
Yoru company
Third-party liability insurance
Sometimes things can can go wrong in the conduct of your business and result in loss or damage to other parties like customers or neighbouring businesses. If the loss or damage is due to an error on the part of one of your company's staff or you as company director, you have to put the damage right or pay compensation. Third-party liability insurance for your business therefore protects your company (and its assets).
Director’s liability insurance
If you (or a fellow director) commit an error you could be held liable (or jointly liable) and plaintiffs could enforce their claims against your personal assets. Director's liability insurance protects you against all financial damages claims by third parties suing you for errors committed as a director: we pay the damages claim and – if you want – the costs of your defence as well.
Legal assistance insurance
There are quite a few situations in which legal assistance is more than just ‘nice to have’. Legal assistance insurance provides you with the legal and financial back-up you need. That’s reassuring for any company manager or director. This insurance covers everyone active at your business, from management to students with a holiday job.
Ten-year liability insurance
If you are a contractor or an architect, you have ten-year third-party liability for any construction work you perform. If anything should happen to the construction in that period and you are held liable, the resulting costs may be recovered from you. Ten-year liability insurance covers this risk.
Professional Liability Insurance
That's where professional liability insurance steps in and compensates the person or business suffering loss or damage due to your professional error. That way, you protect your own business from compensation claims made by third parties. Even if the loss is purely financial, such as where a customer has to suspend works on site or pays too much tax because you made an accounting error, we will pay out
Professional liability insurance for doctors
Unfortunately, you might be faced with patients demanding compensation from you during your medical professional life. Suppose a patient slips on the newly polished floor in your waiting room or you if you forget to remove a compress from the body of a patient. Thanks to liability insurence the victim will receive proper compensation for the damage suffered. Even if complications arise after a treatment that don't stem from a medical error or negligence, you can count on legal protection.
Valuables Insurance
The value of valuables that are destroyed, damaged or lost often exceeds that of the compensation provided under the majority of insurance policies. We therefore offer you the option of insuring your valuables separately, giving you reassurance, also in the event of an unwelcome surprise.
Cyber Insurance
If you want to protect your company against cybercriminals and data breaches, KBC Cyber insurance will give you all the protection you need. We’ll call in specialists who’ll get you up and running again quickly, and we’ll also reimburse your recovery costs.
All-Risk Insurance for Specific Items
For certain items, additional cover is advisable, in particular for electronic and high-precision equipment. Items may be insured individually, as sets or as groups of items of the same type. This insurance can be taken out under the business property insurance policy.
Goods in Transit Insurance
Goods in transit insurance protects your load against theft or damage if you're travelling around with a significant amount of capital equipment and merchandise in your vehicle. This insurance applies during transport for your own account.
Business Interruption Insurance
This insurance covers your loss of earnings as a result of material damage, as well as your ongoing fixed expenses. Any expenses you have incurred in order to limit the business interruption will also be covered.
Animal Insurance
Horse or cattle farmers have a large portion of their capital invested in their animals. However, unfortunate events do not need to result in financial losses if you insure yourself against accidents and illness to protect your operating income.
Insurance for Damage caused by Changes in Climatic and Growth Factors
You can take out this insurance to cover your chickens or pigs against suffocation, or if you have a mushroom farm.
Insurance for Damage caused by Changes in Environmental Factors
The quality and shelf life of merchandise can be affected by environmental factors. Take salt in humid conditions or meat in hot conditions, for instance. The systems that optimise the conditions in which this merchandise is kept can, on occasion, malfunction. This insurance is designed to provide cover against the financial losses this can cause.
Soil Contamination Insurance
With both below- and above-ground fuel-oil tanks, leakage, whilst not highly likely, is always a possibility. If you insure yourself against the consequences of a leak, we will arrange for soil remediation, even if the leak came from one of the tank’s pipes.
Office & building
Multi-Risk Insurance
This insurance covers your movable and immovable property for various risks, including fire, vandalism and storms.
Theft Insurance
KBC Theft Insurance covers you for loss of goods as a result of theft. In addition, it covers damage, even if the thief does not actually manage to steal anything. This insurance covers you for loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft of, among other things.
Legal Assistance Insurance for Buildings
If you incur loss or damage for whom someone else is liable, you will want to be compensated as quickly as possible, particularly if your business is affected. This insurance provides for legal assistance and support in legal disputes.
Third-Party Liability Insurance for Buildings
If your insured buildings cause loss, damage or bodily injury to third parties, this insurance will cover you against claims from those third parties.
Van Insurance
Accidents can happen fast. Hit the road worry free with our insurance for light goods vehicles. Put together your own package: from compulsory third-party liability insurance to assistance insurance and road traffic accident insurance for drivers.
Comprehensive insurance for your company car
Comprehensive insurance is an optional type of extra cover you can add on to your compulsory third-party liability cover. With comprehensive insurance you can claim full damage to your own vehicle, less any deductible. Comprehensive insurance covers loss or damage to your own car, even if you’re liable.
Car insurance for businesses
Looking to take out insurance for your company car? With KBC Vehicle Insurance, you're properly insured before hitting the road. Go for compulsory third-party liability insurance or extend your cover by adding a semi-comprehensive or fully comprehensive policy. If you end up making a claim, your KBC insurance agent is on hand to guide you through the procedure.
You & your employees
Guaranteed income for the self-employed
Could you, as a self-employed person, get by on less than 55 euros a day? Of course you couldn't. But what if you were unable to work due to illness or an accident and you lost your professional income? With KBC Guaranteed Income, you receive benefits to top up those paid by your health insurance fund every month. And we also refund your premium during that period of work disability.
Accident Insurance (for family members)
Do your children sometimes give you a hand in your business? Go to the post office to post some business letters? Or out to deliver an order for you? That is no problem at all. But remember that they, too, could have an accident along the way. To play it safe, it's always a good idea to insure your family members for both scenarios. And that's what you can do with our accident insurance for family members. This insurance covers them both in their private life and when they are with you on your company's premises.
Loan balance insurance for entrepreneurs
When you take out a mortgage loan, you can choose to insure yourself so that your partner or heir is protected if you die before you have fully repaid the amount borrowed. Loan balance insurance is not mandatory, but generally recommended. It guarantees the repayment of all or part of the principal.
KBC Group Hospitalisation Insurance
With KBC Group Hospitalisation Insurance, your employees’ medical bills are covered in the event of hospitalisation due to illness, childbirth, pregnancy complications or an accident. It offers an attractive supplementary benefit for your staff and a benefit for you, since you will be exempt from paying social security contributions on the premiums.
Group insurance for employees
As a company manager, you want to keep your colleagues motivated. Should you raise their gross salaries? Maybe, but they will not receive the same amount after tax. The KBC Team Benefit Plan enables you to offer your employees a beneficial alternative. It is a simple way to organise a high quality supplementary pension policy for your employees.
Work accident insurance
Anyone can become the victim of a workplace accident at any time. That’s why you, as a business owner and employer, are required by law to take out work accident insurance. KBC Commercial Employee Insurance extends beyond just the legal requirements: we offer supplementary cover that provides you, your employees and assistants with extra protection.
Remission of debt insurance
KBC Remission of Debt protects your family or company against having to pay off your debt in the event of your death. If you die during the term of the credit facility, any remaining debit is waived in full. KBC Insurance pays the outstanding principal and interest on your credit facility.
Your pension
IPS (Individual Pension Scheme)
As a self-employed businessperson, you’re no doubt occupied with your firm every day. But do you give enough thought to your own financial future? An IPS enables your firm to fund supplementary pension capital for you, as its manager or director, in a tax-efficient way. The premiums you pay can be deducted as business expenses by your company.
VSPSS (Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-Employed)
A VSPSS, or Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-Employed, is the most tax-advantageous way for the self-employed to accumulate supplementary pension. A VSPSS helps you increase your purchasing power during your retirement years. The KBC Life Pension Plan – VSPSS also offers you a sufficient degree of security thanks to a guaranteed return.
Social VSPSS
Building a supplementary pension by way of a social VSPSS (social voluntary supplementary pension scheme for the self-employed) gives you maximum protection and tax benefits. The VSPSS is called 'social' because 10% of the contributions you pay in automatically go to a solidarity fund. This gives you and your loved ones extra financial protection in case you become (physically) disabled for work or you are on maternity leave.
Pension plans for independent medical professionals
If you are an independent medical practitioner and are using your NIHDI allowance to take out a KBC Life Pension Plan – NIHDI, you will receive a sound protection plan tailored to your needs. This allows you to build up supplementary pension with guaranteed return and, thanks to the various types of solidarity cover, you will also receive additional protection in the event of work disability, disability and maternity leave.
Pension Agreement for the Self-employed (SPPA)
The Pension Agreement for the Self-employed is a new option for building up a supplementary pension for self-employed persons without a company. You build up an extra pension capital with tax benefits in addition to the Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-Employed (VSPSS).